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Coronavirus (新型冠状病毒肺炎)


Day Kimball Healthcare Responds to Coronavirus
戴金博尔医疗保健致力于为我们的社区提供有关新型冠状病毒肺炎(冠状病毒)的最新信息,并正在应对我们地区的任何病例. 了解更多 > 

DKH一直遵循疾病控制和预防中心(CDC)和CT公共卫生部(DPH)的指导。. 与任何新感染一样,信息和建议也在不断变化. 为 latest information, read more on the 疾病预防控制中心网站衰变时网站.

了解更多 about DKH's response to 新型冠状病毒肺炎:



Vaccine Phases, Eligibility 和 Timelines

Visitor Restrictions at Day Kimball

Returning to Care at Day Kimball

症状, 和 Ways to 保护你自己 和 Others



戴金博尔医疗保健公司(DKH)在普特南为持有有效医嘱的患者提供新型冠状病毒肺炎免下车检测. Testing is offered for both pediatric 和 adult patients. For important requirements for testing by DKH, click here > 

DKH Drive-Up Test Site
地点: Day Kimball Healthcare Center, 6 South Main Street, Putnam, CT | Get directions >
小时: Monday - Friday, 2:00p.m. - 4:00 p.m.

没有医嘱的患者可以在提供这项服务的社区其他地点进行检查. 了解更多 >

Get Your 新型冠状病毒肺炎疫苗 at DKH



To book an appointment for the 新型冠状病毒肺炎 vaccine, click here >

Vaccine Eligibility

4月1日开始, all individuals 16 years of age 和 older who live, 工作, or attend school in Connecticut are eligible to receive vaccine.

  • Connecticut residents age 16
  • Employees who 工作 in Connecticut who are 16
  • Students attending school in-person in Connecticut who are 16

For more information of eligibility requirements, click here >

请耐心等待. Until a vaccine is available to everyone, it is important to continue wearing masks, 社会距离, 和 practicing basic h和 hygiene.

Don't Delay Your Care. It's Safe to Come to Day Kimball Healthcare.

If you have recently had to put off visits with your doctor, 放映, 手术, 考试, or other health appointments, now is the time to get caught up.

我们理解你可能害怕去医生办公室或医院. T这就是为什么戴金博尔医疗保健公司采取了额外的安全预防措施,为您提供所需的护理,并帮助您恢复护理. 了解更多 >


DKH requests that you call your healthcare provider first for guidance if you believe you may have coronavirus. 特别是 如果您出现中度至重度呼吸道症状,或者与已知感染冠状病毒的人有过密切接触.  

病人s with Appointments

如果你有一个即将到来的预约,并且正在发烧、咳嗽和呼吸急促, call the office BEFORE coming in. 我们是 offering Telehealth services for many outpatient appointments. 了解更多 >


为了每个人的安全,我们正在对所有前来就诊的冠状病毒患者进行筛查. You will be asked about symptoms, 包括发烧, cough 和 shortness of breath, 和 if you've been in contact with anyone who has 新型冠状病毒肺炎. You'll also have your temperature checked. 

When arriving at our facilities you'll see signage directing you to STOP 和 to evaluate yourself; to stay outside 和 to call us if necessary. You will be asked to wear a mask 和/or to return to your vehicle. You may also need to be evaluated 我们的设施都在保护区内为了你自己和其他人的安全. If you have any questions or concerns, call your healthcare provider.

Visitation Restrictions at Day Kimball Healthcare

To protect patients, 访客及职员, last year in March 2020, DKH宣布实施临时探视限制,以减少戴国内买球的正规网站有哪些的人流量, 和 扩大 对其戴金博尔医疗集团(DKMG)和门诊地点的临时访问协议.

Day Kimball Hospital
Effective January 13, 2021, 大医院限制访客进入医院所有科室及等候区. The following visitation restrictions have been updated:

  • 儿科手术室或急诊科的病人只允许两名指定的(最好是一名)陪同成人, 18岁 和 up during their stay.
  • Adult emergency department, Ambulatory Care Unit, 或手术室的病人可以允许陪同成人(18岁及以上)在极少数情况下,在他们的住院期间,由护士经理或提供者酌情决定.
  • Hospice patients or Comfort Measures Only patients will be allowed visitors at the discretion of nursing leadership; one adult (18岁 和 up) visitor at a time.
  • 在技术人员或提供者的决定下,接受门诊检查和程序的患者可以允许陪同一名成人(18岁及以上).
  • 血液学/肿瘤学患者在预约期间,根据护士经理或提供者的决定,在极少数情况下可以允许一名成人(18岁及以上)陪同.
  • Exceptions will also be considered for individuals with developmental, 物理, mental 和/or other disabilities.

In very limited circumstances, 根据临床工作人员的判断,可以对此访问政策作出例外. 这些临时陪伴限制将继续有效,直至另行通知. Read more >

Day Kimball Medical Group
所有 在戴金宝医疗集团(DKMG)的任何初级护理或专科护理办公室预约的患者只能由一名成年人陪同. 18岁以下的儿童不得陪同患者或家属到DKMG办公室,除非儿童是患者. Read more >

Ancillary Services at Outpatient Sites
有效的星期二, 3月17日, 2020名门诊检查和门诊就诊的患者,允许指定一名成人陪同, 18岁.

所有 accompanying persons, 将在医院或任何DKMG办公室进行新型冠状病毒肺炎风险因素筛查, 和 only permitted in the hospital or office if deemed low risk. If an accompanying person has risk factors, or shows symptoms of illness, an alternate person must be identified, as this person will not be allowed in the hospital or office. 在非常有限的情况下,将由DKH医疗领导层酌情决定,对此访问政策的例外情况. Exceptions will also be considered for individuals with developmental, 物理, mental 和/or other disabilities. 

戴金博尔医疗系统的所有志愿者支持服务暂停,直至另行通知. Read more >


接触过病毒的人可能在接触后2至14天内不会出现症状. 症状 can include:

热| 咳嗽 & 发冷| Shortness of breath 和 difficulty breathing

如果你有中度到重度呼吸道症状,并且最近旅行过, call your healthcare provider immediately. 老年人或已有疾病的人患严重疾病的风险可能更高.


尽管目前还没有预防新型冠状病毒感染的疫苗, 你可以采取日常预防措施来降低感染这种疾病和其他疾病的风险:

  • 经常用肥皂和温水洗手,或者使用含酒精的洗手液
  • 戴口罩
  • Maintain 物理 distances of 6 feet or more
  • 咳嗽或打喷嚏时,用手肘或纸巾捂住口鼻
  • Avoid touching your eyes, nose 和 mouth
  • Avoid close contact with people who are sick
  • Stay home if you're sick

DKH Accepting PPE Donations


Day Kimball Healthcare is accepting donations. Click here to see the list of items 和 how you can donate >

感谢您的慷慨和捐赠个人防护装备的提议。. 我们是 overwhelmed with gratitude.

Helpful Health 资源

Birthing Center Visitor Policy
Precautions for the 首页 | 新型冠状病毒肺炎
CT State Info Line| Dial 2-1-1


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